Thursday, November 10, 2011

Johnson and Johnson alternative

I, like many other moms out there used Johnson and Johnson on my baby's delicate skin when I brought him home from the hospital. Hell, even the nurses at the hospital used J&J. Even when the reports were published about all the terrible chemicals in their products I continued bathing baby with J&J because my parents used it on me and well, I think I turned out just fine. I guess what I am getting at is that I did not discontinue using J&J because of the reports, but rather because my baby has very sensitive skin just like his momma and he needed something else. A girlfriend turned me onto Aquaphor by Eurecin. It is extremely thick like jelly, but it had his dry, cracked skin cleared up almost over night. I was amazed since nothing else helped him including baby oil. When I read the label over on Aquaphor I noticed that it says doctor recommended, not just doctor tested. This caught my attention enough to make me go back and look at other baby products I've purchased such as J&J and wouldn't you know it, J&J is only doctor tested. I've since purchased Aquaphor in any and all products that it comes it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Holy Baptism

I went back to work on Thursday after ten short weeks, boy was it difficult. Luckily, I had a fabulous weekend to look forward to and focus on instead of missing my baby boy.

We held an open house in honor of the baby on Saturday and today (Sunday) was the baby's baptism. In preparation of the baptism my best friend and I were on the hunt for a baptism outfit that I could justify spending that kind of money on for one day. I quickly found out that I was not a fan of putting my little man in a gown or a silk or satin tuxedo, yuck! I knew exactly who could help me in this situation, Ralph!!!

I went on Ralph Lauren for babies and found a beautiful, white, one piece sweater. I knew this would make the baby so much happier since it was cotton and he'd be much cooler than in the other fabrics. It also had matching booties and a winter cap that my mother purchased for the baby. He looked adorable. Now if only I didn't put it on backwards :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Howloween

Most new mothers would probably create cute little pumpkins for their babies first Halloween by putting their little hand prints on their pumpkins or a cute baby's 1st pumpkin carving; however, I'm not most mothers. My baby's first pumpkin was a cut out made to look like his two English bulldogs.

I found the stencil last year (2010) on The Better Home and Gardens website. I tried it last year, but it took a second go at it to really get the shaded areas done well. Luckily, my little guy was having a great time on his activity gym, while I worked to get the pumpkin done in time for trick or treaters.

Things I said I'd never do...then I had a baby.

I am a brand new mother to a two month old baby boy. He is the love of my life and is teaching me about a whole other side of myself that I didn't know existed. He has me wanting to step up my mommy status with activities such as: cooking, baking and crafting to keep up with all the other great moms out there; including my own.

My first mission is to learn how to use the sewing machine. I am learning to make my own burp cloths. This idea came to me after a good friend gave me one for a gift and I thought to myself, "I could do this."

After using my mom's sewing machine once in an attempt at my first burp cloth, my husband surprised me with my very own machine - A brother special edition. I guess I better get working!! The burp cloths didn't turn out too bad for my first time, considering I didn't even know how to thread a needle.. I am making them with different fabrics for the changing seasons and holidays. I will post a picture of what I've created.

Happy Sewing